Clean up components according to Development Guidelines (Zen of confirm)
According to the new Development Guidelines, clean up the Translucent components (HTML, CSS, JS)
Related Ticket: #60 (comment 24433)
Ensure the following:
- Set at- tributes as kebab-case
- Set id's to query elements in JS
- Change classes to attributes to customise web compnents
- Remove CSS classes passed to web components
- Remove BEM naming
Components to check:
c-breadcrumb -
c-button -
c-caption -
c-card -
c-card-grid -
c-checkbox -
c-form -
c-heading -
c-icon -
c-image -
c-input -
c-label -
c-link -
c-list -
c-navigation -
c-notification -
c-progress-bar -
c-radio -
c-select -
c-site-header -
c-table -
c-tag -
c-tbody -
c-textarea -
c-timeline -
foo-bar -
styleguide-helper -
styleguide-icons -
theme-mode-switcher -
theme-preferences-resetter -
Edited by Cheryl Oberholzer