Prioritized Labels
Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
Other Labels
confirm IT solutions / check42-v1
confirm IT solutions / check42-v1
confirm IT solutions / check42-v1
Flag: Blocked
Item is blocked (e.g. through impediments, missing resources, outage).
confirm IT solutions
Flag: Critical
Critical item which requires special attention.
confirm IT solutions
Flag: Ongoing
An ongoing item, with no expectation of completion in a single sprint (aka expected & planned spill over).
confirm IT solutions
Flag: Unplanned
Unplanned item which was created / scheduled during the sprint.
confirm IT solutions
Item: Epic
An epic, which is a collection of several stories.
confirm IT solutions
Item: OKR
An OKR, displayed in our OKR dashboard (
confirm IT solutions
Item: Story
A single (user) story, which can be completed in a single sprint.
confirm IT solutions
confirm IT solutions / check42-v1
confirm IT solutions / check42-v1
confirm IT solutions / check42-v1
State: Demo
Item is finished / reviewed, and ready to be demonstrated.
confirm IT solutions
State: Doing
Item is currently worked on.
confirm IT solutions
State: Planned
Ready and planned for the current (or upcoming) sprint.
confirm IT solutions
State: Ready
Ready according to the DoR («Definition of Ready»).
confirm IT solutions
State: Review
Work is finished, and ready to be reviewed by a second party.
confirm IT solutions
Type: Admin
An administrative or operative task.
confirm IT solutions
Type: Analyse
An analyse of a specific topic, mostly in a time-boxed manner.
confirm IT solutions
Prioritized label