Labels can be applied to issues and merge requests. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
adminAn administrative task.
bugA faulty behaviour.
conceptA conceptional issue.
criticalA critical issue which needs special attention.
documentationUpdate of the documentation is required.
improvementAn improvement of the project, software or product.
in progressSomebody is currently working on this.
OKRAn OKR, displayed in our OKR dashboard (
ScrumC epicScrum epic which combines several user stories.
ScrumC ongoingScrum user story which is ongoing (over sprint boundary).
ScrumC readyPBI is ready according to the DoR (aka Definition of Ready).
ScrumC unplannedUnplanned Scrum user story which was created / scheduled while the Sprint was already running.
ScrumC USScrum user story.
supportSupport of a stakeholder is required
to doReady, assigned to a person and waiting to be worked on.
to reviewFinished and ready to be reviewed in front of the team.
Prioritized label